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Using Research to Gain Attack Intelligence

Come hear Carlos Perez, Practice Lead of the TrustedSec Research Unit and Chris Paschen, Senior Research Analyst, discuss how the industry has evolved, how to get more from the tools you use, and how your organization needs to evaluate penetration testing.

By Carlos Perez and Christopher Paschen
November 04, 2020

Recorded on November 4, 2020

Many penetration tests are falling short

It’s becoming commonplace for penetration testers to encounter maturing products that recognize common attack patterns or post-exploitation activities. Many go-to testing tools are becoming ineffective without code modification to avoid early detection.


Evolve beyond threats with advanced research

One of the reasons breaches have increased is because nation-state hackers are becoming more sophisticated, with longer time horizons. Thus, it’s clear that new and novel approaches to testing are needed. The future of offensive security is going to be deeply rooted in organizations that focus on research to match the expertise and resources of external threat agents.


Get a first-hand look at research-in-action through a new tool for Cobalt Strike

With the release of Cobalt Strike 4.1, a new feature was added that allows code to be run in a more OPSEC friendly manner, through what has been termed Beacon Object Files (BOFs). In this webinar, TrustedSec will be demonstrating an open source tool that implements some basic situational awareness commands and will discuss how you can use this tool as an introduction for writing your own BOFs to achieve expedited results.


The importance for both offensive and defensive teams

Come hear Carlos Perez, Practice Lead of the TrustedSec Research Unit and Chris Paschen, Senior Research Analyst, discuss how the industry has evolved, how to get more from the tools you use, and how your organization needs to evaluate penetration testing. We will also give a glimpse into some of TrustedSec’s internal, proprietary tooling that a researcher can provide to the members of his or her team. Whether your focus is on the defensive or offensive side of the industry, understanding where attacks are going will keep you ahead of the game!