Password Recovery 101: Cracking More of Your List
Join VP of Consulting Services Martin Bos, as well as Senior Security Consultants Paul Burkeland and Hans Lakhan for this webinar and interactive walkthrough, geared toward anyone with beginner to mid-level experience in password recovery.
Get stuck trying to access a file or database that has stored encrypted user credentials?
During most assessments, it can be easy to stop conducting password recovery when you’ve successfully cracked half of your list. In this interactive webinar, we’ll review options available for cracking more of your list and examine practical ways to do so.
Get an introduction and review of password recovery tools and techniques.
The webinar will start with an overview of Hashcat, an open-source password recovery tool that can be used as a foundation for your password cracking operation. Next, we’ll review the history of other common password recovery tools, identify what kinds of switches are currently available, and then conduct a live walkthrough. The team will utilize a number of techniques such as brute-force attacks, wordlist collection, hybrid attacks, use-rules attacks, and others.
Learn how to get results like the pros!
Join VP of Consulting Services Martin Bos, as well as Senior Security Consultants Paul Burkeland and Hans Lakhan for this webinar and interactive walkthrough, geared toward anyone with beginner to mid-level experience in password recovery. You can expect to come away with an analytical and iterative approach to password recovery that can yield better results regardless of what tools or techniques are used.