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TrustedSec Security Podcast - Episode 3.12

Episode - 3.12 - Money, Malware, and Facebook Reads Your Mail

By Geoff Walton, Oddvar Moe, Justin Bollinger and Alex Hamerstone
April 05, 2019

Episode - 3.12 - Money, Malware, and Facebook Reads Your Mail

Welcome to the Trusted Security Podcast – a podcast dedicated to bringing the latest news on information security and the industry. This episode features the following members: Geoff Walton, Oddvar Moe, Justin Bollinger, and Alex Hamerstone!



Title: Casino Screwup Royale: A tale of “ethical hacking” gone awry


Author: Sean Gallagher

Title: Researchers Find Google Play Store Apps Were Actually Government Malware


Author: Lorenzo Franceschi-Bicchierai and Riccardo Coluccini

Title: ‘Beyond Sketchy’: Facebook Demanding Some New Users’ Email Passwords


Author: Kevin Poulsen


Letters home

A discussion with Alex Hamerstone about how the need to plan communications before you deploy a honeypot or other deception technology.