David Kennedy, TrustedSec's founder and CEO was recently featured on Fox News Business talking about the latest SpamHaus distributed denial of service attacks (DDoS). Information security has been on the major media outlets now for a number of months, and this latest DDoS while simplistic, is being touted as one of the largest of its kind. David discussed on Fox News the implications of the attack and what to expect moving in the future. Based on how easy it is to utilize a command and control infrastructure to launch denial of service attacks, this is one of many to come. We've already seen in the past few months large scale outages with the majority of large-sized banks in the industry. As these attacks evolve, we will continue to see them in a larger scale attack and interrupt large scale operations.
David also discusses the potential for terrorists to use cyber warfare as a potential attack avenue instead of conventional warfare. Threats from terrorist organizations are already out there on how the summer will be a large scale cyber war with the United States and its allies. Based on the alarming trends out there, it has never been more important for companies to invest and protect their infrastructure and intellectual property.