July 01, 2012
TrustedSec opens the doors!
Written by
David Kennedy
Company Update
TrustedSec has officially launched its website and is now open for business. Dave Kennedy has had a vision of creating his own company for a number of years and today marks the day of that dream. TrustedSec is founded on the principles of betterment of the security industry and ensuring that security continues to move forward. TrustedSec will be known as the industry's top-notch security assessment and consulting firm. The goal is to keep information security simple and only have the best security professionals from around the world. Dave is well known in the security industry as an industry expert and thought leader, and will continue to change the security industry into something better.
What is TrustedSec? - An information security consulting firm specializing in tailored security solutions for corporations of all sizes. Services can be anything related to information security however some of the services include penetration testing, application security, vulnerability assessments, incident response, advisory services, technology solutions, compliance assistance, security transformation and much more.
The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET): The Social-Engineer Toolkit will be developed through TrustedSec. It will be open-source and free, nothing has changed from that mission. The project itself is just under the umbrella of TrustedSec. The same also goes for Artillery - the defensive server tool.
What happened to www.secmaniac.com? Secmaniac.com will now redirect here. All of the blog posts from secmaniac have been merged into this blog and will continue to be a central place for SET releases, new security research, and cutting edge security practices.
Welcome to a new era in information security services. Where we work with you, for you, teach you, and better your security program.