April 01, 2015
TrustedSec announces new certification CDACTC
Written by
David Kennedy
TrustedSec is proud to announce a completely new and revolutionary training program called the Cyber Defense APT Cyber Training Certification (CDACTC). Learn from the best on how to become a true attribution expert from the cyber APT experts at TrustedSec. We've been working on this course for an exhausting thirty minutes and believe we have the best training aimed at detecting APTs.
Here at the Institute of TrustedSec's Cyber Defense APT Cyber Training Certifications, you'll learn some of the following topics:
1. To attribute like Dave Marcus
2. The Tao Security Principles of Truthers
3. APTs and China and sophisticated
4. China and APTs
5. How APTs are China
6. How China is an APT
7. Small reference to North Korea
8. Cyber Cyber and Cybers
Compete i a neck to neck competition with your truther friends in order to win the Cyber Attribution Trophy (CAT).
This course is fast paced and aimed at teaching the cybers to anyone, especially someone that has never touched a computer before. In order to take this course you need the following course requirements:
1. To believe in APTs.
2. To Attribute. And Attribute Hard.
3. Never turned on a computer before or fell for the Nigerian Prince Scam.
4. Have experienced a breach and want to save your job or face and need it to be sophisticated and unprecedented.
5. Lift like Dave Marcus
This course can teach you everything you need for cyber warfare defense against APTs and has a high success rate. Our course lasts fifteen minutes and has a low introductory price of $16,000,000 a year for 10 years.