August 06, 2013
The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) v5.3 Released!
Written by
David Kennedy
Security Testing & Analysis
Social Engineering
TrustedSec is proud to announce the release of The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) v5.3 codename "NextGen Unicorn". This release is recommended for any users that utilize the toolkit and has a number of critical bug fixes and feature enhancements. This version incorporates a number of new attack and payload delivery systems including an improved Java Applet, better bypass of newer preventative technologies, and improved PowerShell deployment techniques. This version was over two months of solid development in providing some new advanced attack vectors as well as stability and bug fixes for the new version.
In addition to these changes, the new version also incorporates brand new versions of Multi-Pyinjector and PyInjector which has much more stable shellcode injection into memory and AES 256 encrypted payload delivery systems.
Please note, there was one major change on the functionality of SET. From now on, to run set it is recommended to type "setoolkit" instead of "se-toolkit". This was done based on the name "SET" being the flagship for what people know. When tabbing on Linux, this wasn't apparent, by typing "set" and tabbing, you should see the launcher. Right now, se-toolkit still works but will be removed in the next version of SET.
Full changelog below:
version 5.3
* Fixed an issue that would cause ipaddr to not be defined when using multi-pyinjector
* Changed se-toolkit for launch to setoolkit - easier to type when typing set
* Fixed an issue that would cause set-automate to not properly work due to old set launcher
* Added set EnableStageEncoding true to default on Multipyinjector
* Added fixed ID param name name="" to applet tags to show up properly in Firefox, Chrome, etc.
* Converted payloads for shikata second stage encoding for all SET payloads
* Fixed a exceptions error when inside modules and control-c out of them
* Removed old wording in installer
* Added new conversion for to change se-toolkit to install with setoolkit
* Slimmed the teensy powershell code down significantly
* Modified the teensy powershell attack to support the x86 downgrade attack
* Slimmed down the mssql powershell attack vector significantly
* Slimmed down the psexec powershell attack vector significantly
* Updated rid_enum to the latest version within Fast-Track
* Realigned initial banner message when entering into SET
* Fixed a large bug in webjacking and tabnabbing where it would not load the index.html properly do to a os.remove on index.html instead of os.remove on site variable (index or index2.html)
* Removed old man left in the middle from the toolkit under multi-attack was no longer used and code removed
* Fixed an issue that would cause credential harvester and applet in multiattack to not properly work
* Fixed a bug that would cause APACHE to flag if it was run in a different directory
* Changed applet tag slightly to be more descriptive to coax users into clicking
* Fixed a backup issue when using java applet first then harvester second
* Fixed a large bug in multi-pyinjector that was causing the binary to not call back properly
* Fixed multiple other bugs with multi-pyinjector and also fixing issues with multiprocessing
* Fixed a bug that would cause an IP to not assign when using pyinjector
* Added better stability to pyinjector regular and also virtualized the pe
* Fixed an issue causing linux and OSX binaries to not properly deploy
* Added faster load time on OSX and Linux creation of binaries when linux / osx mode added
* Changed how payload delivery is handled and loads faster within the applet
* Added better error handling if webattack email is set to on
* Fixed some old code from when you are in a loop
* Added a port options check when specifying multipyinjector and pyinjector to warn if port 80 is selected