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January 09, 2012

The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) v2.5.3 has been released.

Written by David Kennedy
Security Testing & Analysis Social Engineering
Greetings all, We are under heavy development for SET v3.0 however there were a couple of major bugs within SET v2.5.2 that I wanted to get out ahead of time. The changelog is below: * fixed a bug that would not let you in the custom exploits menu within fasttrack * fixed a bug that would cause _mssql not to be defined when attempting to custom connect to a SQL server * fixed a bug that would cause mssql custom connect once finished to go straight into the exploit menu * fixed a looping issue with the fasttrack menu Most importantly in these bug fixes were when using the straight mssql connector to perform SQL queries, I didn't have _mssql imported properly within src/core/, this has since been fixed. Secondly, when selecting custom exploits, I had the options misplaced and it wouldn't render the menu properly. This all is fixed now and back to normal. Enjoy! Some teasers for SET v3.0 - We are looking to make it compatible with Windows. So you should be able to run SET from Linux, OSX, or Windows. Sweet.