June 21, 2011
The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) v1.5 "Convergence Edition" has been released.
Written by
David Kennedy
Security Testing & Analysis
Social Engineering

version 1.5
* Added shell.py to support both Linux and OSX for the SET Interactive Shell, uses same code repository
* Added shell to support Linux/OSX for SET Interactive Shell
* Added download to support Linux/OSX for SET Interactive Shell
* Added upload to support Linux/OSX for SET Interactive Shell
* Added ps to support Linux/OSX for SET Interactive Shell
* Added kill to support Linux/OSX for SET Interative Shell
* Fixed a bug in mass mailer where TLS would execute after ehlo not before. Thanks pr1me
* Changed download path to replace forward and back slashes with a _ so it would not cause strange nix issues with back slashes and forward slashes in the SET Interactive Shell
* Added better integer handling when running listener.py by itself without specifying a port
* Redesignated filename shell.binary to shell.windows and shell.linux (PE vs. ELF binary)
* Added separate installers for shell.linux and shell.osx, to many differences between the two and needed different compiling.
* Added instructions in shell.py how to compile for each flavor operating system including windows, linux, and osx
* Added reboot now into the SET interactive Shell
* Added persistence to the SET interactive shell with a completely custom written python-bytecompiled service. Essentially uploads service to victim, that calls interactive shell every 30 minutes
* Added name distinguishing per windows/posix systems so it will show up POSIX or WINDOWS on interactive shell, will also show WINDOWSUAC-SAFE and WINDOWSSYSTEM.
* Added the MS11-050 IE mshtml!CObjectElement Use After Free exploit from Metasploit
* Added dynamic packing to download/upload for persistence, better AV avoidance
* Added MS11-050, Adobe Flash, and Cisco AnyConnect Metasploit exploits to the SET web gui
* Added 'clear' and 'cls' in the SET Interactive Menu to remove whats in the screen, etc.
* When using the java docbase exploit, removed 'Client Login' for title frame, isn't needed
* Added back command to the SET interactive shell to go back when in different menus
* Fixed a bug where it would state payloadprep not defined, it was caused to UPX not fully packing the device at time of upload, a 3 second delay has been added