December 24, 2010
Social-Engineering - The Art of Human Hacking
Written by
David Kennedy
Security Testing & Analysis
Social Engineering
I've had the pleasure of reading through the new book by Chris Hadnagy (loganWHD) called "Social-Engineering - The Art of Human Hacking" over the Christmas break. I've known Chris for years and this book is a direct reflection of the progression he has made in the arts of human behavior and social-engineering. The book itself covers a wide variety of topics but most notably my favorite chapters are the Elicitation, Pretexting, and the Psychological Principles. Of course my most favorite portion is the Social-Engineer Toolkit walk-through :)
Social-Engineering is a complex and robust skill that takes years to mature but never perfected. Human behavior analysis has so many categories ranging from Microexpressions to Neurolinguistic Programming. Chris's book is a great way to understand the different methods and expand on them with real world examples. As a frequent penetration tester, Social-Engineering is absolutely the easiest way to compromise an organization and one of the most significant risks we face as a business. Understanding how humans behave and interact with one another and how to manipulate a conversation or behavior in order to take control of the situation and have your desired outcome is an amazing art. The book is outstanding, nice job Chris for your accomplishment and for creating such an awesome book.