The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET) and the Artillery open source projects have officially been moved to github. Github provides a much faster platform to getting releases up and a more efficient method for obtaining new releases to SET.
All you need to do to go from the current version to git is do an svn update in the set directory and run the automatic installer. SET updates once pulled through github will now be pulled from the github repositories versus svn. The subversion repos will remain active for a couple months.
For those using Back|Track:
cd /pentest/exploits/set
svn update
select option number 1
Once you select option number one, you will now be switched over to git and svn no longer used. If you want to do this manually you can do the following:
git clone https://github.com/trustedsec/social-engineer-toolkit/ set/
git clone https://github.com/trustedsec/artillery artillery/
Whenever you need updates, just run the update tool or type git pull. In addition to the new release to git, the installer has been updated to support OSX installations. This update puts SET at version 4.3.4. Special thanks to Stephen Haywood for helping with the conversion over. Enjoy!