July 15, 2014
SE Toolkit Online Training Available - August 14th
Written by
David Kennedy
Security Testing & Analysis
Social Engineering
TrustedSec is offering a two hour online course with the creator of The Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET). This course is $35 per attendee and will be conducted online August 14th at 1:00PM to 3:00PM EDT. This course will cover the insides and outs of SET. This course will go through the insides and outs of using the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET). The course will focus on practical uses for SET, how to best utilize it from a social-engineering perspective, and maximize the ability to test the effectiveness of your education and awareness program.
Items covered in this course:
1. Basic utilization of SET.
2. How to craft believable attack vectors
3. Bypassing Anti-Virus, NextGen technology, application whitelisting and more.
4. Cover different attack vectors and maximizing efficiency.
5. Develop custom attack scenarios based on your customer.
6. Utilize open source intelligence to craft attack scenarios.
To register for this class visit the following link below.
This course is expected to go fast. During this training session, David will also work with individuals and help answer questions they may have.