March 07, 2013
New tool release: ConQR - An open source conference QRCode system
Written by
David Kennedy
Penetration Testing
Security Testing & Analysis
TrustedSec is proud to announce the release of an open source QRCode ticketing system called ConQR. This is the first initial alpha release and allows anyone who is running a conference or needs to track individuals via QRCodes the ability to setup a conference within just a few minutes. ConQR is an open source QRCode ticketing system designed for Windows, Linux, or OSX. It's written in Python with no third party modules needed. The tool is designed to simplify the process for performing ticket issuing. This is the same technique used at DerbyCon 2.0 in Louisville Kentucky which had 2,000 attendees without more than a one minute wait time. The concept is simple, issue QRCodes, track them in a database, and be able to look them up in a simplfied fashion. The way it works is by sending the ticket in a form of a QRCode with a randomized hash values to an internal website name. The setup requires a wireless access point (or wired) and DNS to point to the QRCode server. You can use any device you want, such as a iPhone, Android, tablet, etc. Download any software that you want from the AppStore or Android market that allows you to scan QRCodes.
Join the handheld device to the wireless network that has the QR Code server, once scanned in, the device will open a URL of the QR Code server. The server handles the request and identifies if the person has a ticket, has already checked in, or is not found. If found and has not checked in, the user is checked in and the user can successfully enter the conference.
The tool is easy, simple to use, supports multiple conferences, and can be easily scripted to automatically issue tickets based on Paypal or other payment merchants. The tool is free, and available for download right now!
Head over to for more information and to download the tool.