July 10, 2012
Inside and Out of SET at Blackhat 2012
Written by
David Kennedy
Security Testing & Analysis
Social Engineering
TrustedSec's David Kennedy will be giving his training course "Inside and Out of the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET)" at Blackhat 2012. The two day course runs from July 21st - 22nd. There is a second class running from July 23rd - the 24th. The class will go into every aspect of the Social-Engineer Toolkit including how to customize each attack for your target. The course is structured in building a comfort level with SET then going into scenarios and situations on how to customize SET for the maximum success rate for social-engineering.
Class attendees will get a free signed copy of Metasploit: The Penetration Testers Guide as well as a programmable Teensy Arduino device.
Head over to the Blackhat registration page, time is running out!
Also don't miss out on David Kennedy's talk "Secret Pentesting Techniques.. Shh.."at BSIDES Las Vegas. This talk will focus on obscure techniques used during penetration tests that we use on a regular basis and some internals on how SET works behind the scenes. In addition to BSIDESLV, Dave DeSimone and David Kennedy's talk at Defcon "Owning One to Rule Them All". This talk will focus on some new techniques we discovered and some sexy new code being introduced.