Discovering a Deserialization Vulnerability in LINQPad
Table of contents
Like most red teamers, I spend quite a lot of time looking for novel vulnerabilities that could be used for initial access or lateral movement. Recently, my focus has been on deserialization vulnerabilities in .NET applications, especially those that are commonly used or installed by default. This research led to me discovering a deserialization vulnerability in LINQPad, a .NET scratchpad application commonly used by developers. In this post, we will look at how this vulnerability was found.
1.1 A Needle in a Haystack
If we want to find vulnerabilities in .NET apps, we need .NET apps to analyze (shocking, I know). Windows ships with quite a few .NET DLLs and executables already installed, but there are also plenty of popular third-party tools written in .NET. When looking for novel exploits, we really want to focus our search on commonly used applications; there is little point putting in hours of work to find a vulnerability in an app with 10 users. An easy way to load up a VM with commonly used apps is to simply use it for a while, do some work on it, and install whatever tools you need as you go. I used to be a .NET developer and spent quite a bit of time working in that ecosystem, so I spun up a dev VM and got to work. After a few weeks of using this VM, I ran CerealKiller and started analyzing its output. This tool will scan every DLL or .exe on a host, identify the ones built with .NET, and check for any references to the method signature you provide. In this case, we are looking for calls to BinaryFormatter.Deserialize.
This produced around 1,500 hits, predominantly in DLLs. The next step is to triage the results, looking for calls to BinaryFormatter.Deserialize, which contain user-controlled data. If we find one of those, we then need to track the entry point to that function and find out where the data comes from. This process is repeated until we either find that the function is not vulnerable or find a path from “run this exe with these arguments" to "trigger a deserialization call”. Being rather lazy, I decided to triage the .exe results first, as these would, hopefully, make it easier to find the entry point. Searching the CerealKiller results for .exe highlighted 64 results with many duplicates. The results also contained a few tools we can immediately rule out, such as and some proof-of-concept code I had been working on. This left a handful of results, including apps like MSBuild, msdeploy, and LINQPad.
A quick triage of msdeploy.exe revealed that the vulnerable code was not called anywhere, and a Google search returned no hits for that method. At this stage, that was enough for me to put that one to the side and move on. MSBuild is a well-known LOLBin, so again I left that one for another time. While a new vulnerability in MSBuild would be interesting, there’s a very good chance it would be flagged if we ever tried to run it. That left LINQPad.
Throwing LINQPad.exe into dotPeek and looking at the identified method confirmed a call to BinaryFormatter.Deserialize.
This method checks if a file exists, then calls BinaryFormatter.Deserialize on the contents. Reviewing the rest of the decompiled class, we can see that the file is expected to be found in the users local app data folder.
So far, so good. We have a deserialization call taking data from a file the user will have permissions to write to. Now all we need to do is find where that method is called from.
1.2 Are We Still Thinking in Graphs?
We could spend our time looking for uses of the vulnerable method, or we could spend even more time building a tool to make it slightly easier. I’d been toying with the idea of using Neo4j to graph the relationships between functions, showing paths to functions of interest (in this case, BinaryFormatter.Deserialize), and now seemed like as good a time as any to start work on it. Of course, when I started researching this idea, I quickly discovered that XPN had gotten there first, so this idea isn’t novel, but at least we know it should work.
With a little time alone with ChatGPT, I got some working proof-of-concept code together that scans a binary, extracts all the functions it contains, and builds a cypher file containing the functions and details of where they are called.
We’re using Mono.Cecil to do the decompilation, then going through each method, looking for calls to other methods. This code is still quite rough around the edges, but it produces some usable output.
using System;
using System.IO;
using Mono.Cecil;
using Mono.Cecil.Cil;
using System.Collections.Generic;
namespace Nebuchadnezzar
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
if (args.Length < 2)
Console.WriteLine("Usage: <assembly path> <output cypher file>");
string assemblyPath = args[0];
string cypherOutputPath = args[1];
// Extract the assembly name (without path) for use in the graph
string assemblyName = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assemblyPath);
// Create or overwrite the cypher output file
using (StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(cypherOutputPath))
var assembly = AssemblyDefinition.ReadAssembly(assemblyPath);
// Dictionary to avoid creating duplicate method nodes
Dictionary<string, bool> methodNodes = new Dictionary<string, bool>();
// Create the Assembly node
writer.WriteLine($"MERGE (a:Assembly {{name: \"{assemblyName}\"}});");
// Iterate through types and methods
foreach (var type in assembly.MainModule.Types)
foreach (var method in type.Methods)
if (!method.HasBody) continue;
// Create a unique method node for the current method including assembly information
string methodNodeName = $"{type.FullName}.{method.Name}";
string uniqueMethodNodeName = $"{assemblyName}.{methodNodeName}";
// Create a method node and link it to the Assembly node if it hasn't been created yet
if (!methodNodes.ContainsKey(uniqueMethodNodeName))
writer.WriteLine($"MERGE (m:Method {{name: \"{methodNodeName}\", assembly: \"{assemblyName}\"}});");
writer.WriteLine($"MERGE (a)-[:CONTAINS]->(m);"); // Link method to assembly
methodNodes[uniqueMethodNodeName] = true;
// Iterate through method instructions to find method calls
foreach (var instruction in method.Body.Instructions)
if (instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Call || instruction.OpCode == OpCodes.Callvirt)
var methodRef = (MethodReference)instruction.Operand;
string calledMethodName = $"{methodRef.DeclaringType.FullName}.{methodRef.Name}";
string uniqueCalledMethodName = $"{assemblyName}.{calledMethodName}";
// Get the parameters of the called method
var parameterList = new List<string>();
foreach (var parameter in methodRef.Parameters)
string parameters = string.Join(", ", parameterList);
// Create the called method node if it doesn't exist yet
if (!methodNodes.ContainsKey(uniqueCalledMethodName))
writer.WriteLine($"MERGE (m:Method {{name: \"{calledMethodName}\", assembly: \"{assemblyName}\"}});");
writer.WriteLine($"MERGE (a)-[:CONTAINS]->(m);"); // Link the called method to the assembly
methodNodes[uniqueCalledMethodName] = true;
// Create the CALLS relationship between methods with parameters as a property
writer.WriteLine($"MATCH (caller:Method {{name: \"{methodNodeName}\", assembly: \"{assemblyName}\"}}),");
writer.WriteLine($"(callee:Method {{name: \"{calledMethodName}\", assembly: \"{assemblyName}\"}})");
writer.WriteLine($"MERGE (caller)-[:CALLS {{parameters: \"{parameters}\"}}]->(callee);");
Console.WriteLine("Cypher script generated successfully.");
Running the code is as simple as calling the .exe and giving it an output file location.
This output file contains the instructions needed to populate a Neo4j database.
Now all we need to do is import this data into Neo4j. Doing this with Docker is a little complicated, but easy when you know how.
First, we spin up a Neo4j container using the following command:
docker run --interactive --tty --name neo \
--publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 \
--volume=/Users/james/Desktop:/foo \
This exposes the ports we need to access the web interface and mounts my Desktop folder to /foo. I have the cipher file we generated on my desktop, so now it should be accessible to Neo4j.
With our container stood up, we can access the UI via localhost:7687. You’ll need to change the password on first login, but once that’s done you should see a fresh Neo4j instance.
Now, we need to import that data. To do this, we must use the terminal inside the container. We can run docker exec -it neo sh to get a shell on our container.
To import the data, we are going to use cypher-shell. We cat the file and pipe it into cypher-shell, providing our Neo4j username and password as arguments.
The import may take a little while, so go grab a coffee while it runs.
When the import is complete, we can refresh the UI and see our data.
Now, we just need some queries. We want to find all paths to a BinaryFormatter.Deserialize call, so we can use the following cypher query:
MATCH p = (caller:Method)-[:CALLS*]->(target:Method)
WHERE CONTAINS 'BinaryFormatter.Deserialize'
RETURN caller, target, p;
Digging into the results of this query, we see a couple of places where BinaryFormatter is called.
Following the graph, we can start to see where our vulnerable method is called.
Following the graph, we can see that AutoRefManager.PopulateFromCache is called by AutoRefManager.Initialize.
public static void Initialize(int delay)
if (AutoRefManager._refLookup != null || AutoRefManager.PopulateFromCache())
new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(AutoRefManager.CreateCache), delay)
Name = "AutoRef Type Populator",
IsBackground = true,
Priority = ThreadPriority.Lowest
The Initialize method is called by UI.Mainform.set_ShowLicensee.
internal bool ShowLicensee
get => this._showLicensee;
private set
if (this._showLicensee == value)
this._showLicensee = value;
foreach (QueryControl queryControl in this.GetQueryControlsWithCache())
if (value)
if (!value)
This setter is called in two (2) places, DisplayMessage and RestoreActivationMessage, within MainForm.cs.
This is where things get a little complicated. It was not immediately obvious where this code was called from, but I was pretty sure it was only called when a licensed copy of LINQPad was used.
1.3 Building a Proof of Concept
Let’s recap. We have a potential vulnerability in an app that, according to its website, has more than 5 million downloads and 50,000 customers who use a paid edition, including 30 fortune 100 companies and four (4) of the world’s largest banks. Oh, and the biggest corporate user is Microsoft. But we don’t have a proof of concept yet because we’re pretty sure the vulnerable code is only called when a licensed version is in use. Of course, I bought a license.
With my freshly purchased license in hand, it was time to build a proof-of-concept payload. For this, we turn once again to
ysoserial.exe -f binaryformatter -g typeconfusedelegate -c calc.exe -o raw > e:\AutoRefCache46.1.dat
This payload was then copied to %localappdata%l\LINQPad\.
LINQPad was then launched, which caused the payload to trigger and calc.exe to be launched.
The AutoRefCach46.1.dat file is then overwritten, which does pose a small problem, but nothing we couldn’t work around if we really wanted to.
So now we have a working exploit, but what to do with it? I had two choices: hoard the vuln and hope it was useful on a Red Team one day or disclose it to the vendor. In the end, I chose to disclose it to the vendor. We could justify that decision by saying the vulnerability isn’t all that useful, or that fully weaponizing it wouldn’t be worth the effort for the number of times we’d likely use it, but ultimately, I chose to do so simply because it was the right thing to do.
Contact was made with the vendor who had a beta release, including a fix ready in just five days from the initial contact being made.
1.4 Wrapping Up
In this post, we’ve seen some of the methodology I use when looking for novel deserialization vulnerabilities. We’ve used Neo4j to make the process of finding paths to vulnerable functions easier, which ultimately led to us finding and exploiting a novel deserialization vulnerability in LINQPad. There is plenty of scope for further work here, especially around the use of Neo4j. Building a graph containing data from all DLLs and executables on a default Windows installation would be a very interesting exercise.
This was tested against LINQPad v5.48.00 (Pro Edition). Unlicensed versions were not vulnerable. This issue was patched in LINQPad 5.52.01, which is now RTM and can be tracked under CVE-2024-53326.