Greetings all! Have some great news. I'll be teaching a course at Blackhat on the Social-Engineer Toolkit (SET). The course is designed to teach you everything you ever needed to know about SET and how to effectively use it during a penetration test. You'll even get a free signed book of Metasploit: The Penetration Testers Guide :-)
For more information or to register, head over to here:
http://blackhat.com/html/bh-us-12/training/courses/bh-us-12-training_social_engineer_toolkit.html. You'll also get a free Teensy device that we'll be programming during the class! If you are a penetration tester, or wanting to get into it.. This is your course. Learn how to write your own modules, customize your own attacks, build your attack off your company and have a high level of success.
Course description:OVERVIEW:
The Social-Engineer Toolkit is an open-source standard for penetration testers to test the effectiveness of their overall education and awareness programs. SET is designed to couple sophisticated and targeted attacks and leverage the human element to make an extremely large attack. SET has been featured on BBC, the History channel, and a number of other media outlets and used by penetration testers across the world. This course will cover how to leverage sophisticated attack vectors using the social-engineer toolkit and how to customize it during a penetration test.
Here's SET on the History channel:
Talk I did that has some portions of SET at Defcon 19:
DerbyCon talk with Kevin Mitnick includes SET:
http://vimeo.com/31663242WHO SHOULD ATTEND:
Penetration testers, security enthusiasts, IT personnel Student Requirements, experience/expertise: Those with basic experience of Linux and penetration testing
Students must have a virtual machine or computer with the latest BackTrack Linux distribution. Students must also have a Windows XP or Windows 7 machine which can be fully patched to perform the social-engineering attacks on.
A copy of the book Metasploit: The Penetration Testers Guide
A free Teensy device used to perform social-engineering attacks
Look forward to seeing everyone there, giving free hugs, and dumping my brain on you!
Register here!!